Dear Parents,
We have reached the end of the third week of learning at home! We know that this is a learning process for everyone.
Here are some important things for you to know:
-you are doing an amazing job!
-take things slowly, do what you can, one step at a time
-in Grade 1, we often complete tasks in small chunks, it is ok (and completely normal) for students to work on a task for 10-15 minutes and then take a break)
-the tasks we provide are there as a guide, please do what you can and do not feel like you need to do it all
-if your child is very interested in a specific task, keep working on it and focusing on that throughout the week
-you know your child best and know what they need right now
Some other important things to note:
-weekly learning plans will come out each Friday through email, blog and Google classroom – these are recommended activities for the following week that will include approximately 5 hours of learning (for the entire week, 1 hour a day) focused on literacy/math
-students should be reading for 10-15 minutes a day in addition to the weekly learning tasks
-we recommend that you share one piece of written work with us per week, we will indicate which task we recommend each week, you are always welcome to send more
Optional Activities:
-RazKids and are extras – completely optional – you are welcome to use them to supplement your child’s learning, or provide extra reading practice at their level, if you would like
-any posts on the stream asking questions are optional as well – this is one way for students to connect, but not necessary
Next week and moving forward:
Monday 10:30 am: Mrs. McCaw Office Hours-questions or check-in's for the week from parents or students ( Optional: remember that others can join so this is not a confidential space).
Wednesday 10:30 am: Sharing time for students (optional)
Friday 10:30 am: Story time (optional but recommended)
Remember to join our meets just put in our nickname 10meet and if a meet is running long and you need to get to work yourself you are able to leave the meet whenever you like.
If there are specific ways that I can support you and your family through this process, please let me know.
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