Hi everyone! Here is the link to next weeks learning plan.
Also please be aware that we will be on-line in google meets Monday, Wednesday and Fridays all at 10:30 if you want to join.
I hope everyone is doing well. The last few weeks have felt extra tough for some reason so I'm hoping the nice weather makes this a little bit easier.
Can't wait to see all your faces again!
Friday, April 24, 2020
Friday, April 17, 2020
April 20-24th Learning Plan
Hello room 10 students and parents. Here is a link to our next weeks learning plans.
Dear Parents,
We have reached the end of the third week of learning at home! We know that this is a learning process for everyone.
Here are some important things for you to know:
-you are doing an amazing job!
-take things slowly, do what you can, one step at a time
-in Grade 1, we often complete tasks in small chunks, it is ok (and completely normal) for students to work on a task for 10-15 minutes and then take a break)
-the tasks we provide are there as a guide, please do what you can and do not feel like you need to do it all
-if your child is very interested in a specific task, keep working on it and focusing on that throughout the week
-you know your child best and know what they need right now
Some other important things to note:
-weekly learning plans will come out each Friday through email, blog and Google classroom – these are recommended activities for the following week that will include approximately 5 hours of learning (for the entire week, 1 hour a day) focused on literacy/math
-students should be reading for 10-15 minutes a day in addition to the weekly learning tasks
-we recommend that you share one piece of written work with us per week, we will indicate which task we recommend each week, you are always welcome to send more
Optional Activities:
-RazKids and Code.org are extras – completely optional – you are welcome to use them to supplement your child’s learning, or provide extra reading practice at their level, if you would like
-any posts on the stream asking questions are optional as well – this is one way for students to connect, but not necessary
Next week and moving forward:
Monday 10:30 am: Mrs. McCaw Office Hours-questions or check-in's for the week from parents or students ( Optional: remember that others can join so this is not a confidential space).
Wednesday 10:30 am: Sharing time for students (optional)
Friday 10:30 am: Story time (optional but recommended)
Remember to join our meets just put in our nickname 10meet and if a meet is running long and you need to get to work yourself you are able to leave the meet whenever you like.
If there are specific ways that I can support you and your family through this process, please let me know.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
April 13-17 Learning Plans
Happy Easter Everyone!
Here is the learning plan for next week. Please take a break this weekend and enjoy your families!
Here is the learning plan for next week. Please take a break this weekend and enjoy your families!
This Week In Grade One April 13-17 2020
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Task One
English Language Arts- Wellness |
Weekly Wellness Story
All of us are missing our friends at this time. Here is a story about how to be a friend in a different way! Listen to the story linked below. Sing along with Emily Arrow after you listen to the book, see if you can learn some of the actions to the song. Story Discussion: How was Dennis feeling in this story? Do you ever feel this way? How did he feel when he met Joy? What made them good friends? What makes you a good friend? Activity: Miming Feelings What is a mime? Someone who shows feelings and actions with their face and body, but doesn’t speak. Mime a feeling for a member of your family. See if they can guess what it is. Take turns playing this game. |
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lt8oz-Wb21ti5k64eS4QZNnzzrO-gK3b/v iew?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xSHje47uFM8opZlLvFeq-3bhwmATklVT/ view?usp=sharing
Learning Intentions
Optional Extensions
Think of something kind you can do for a friend right now. Maybe you could send them a note or a picture, or write a message in sidewalk chalk. Maybe you could call your friend and tell them how you are feeling.
Task Two
English Language Arts- Writing/Drawing |
**This task will take multiple days**
Writing a fictional story: Memoirs of an Animal For this task you are going to write a fictional story about an animal and what it does throughout the week. Listen to Memoirs of a Goldfishhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1M8L_KeLsyxwldf3x49W3TKncbJgXI wYp |
While watching, think about how the story is organized.
Visit the San Diego Zoo website. Choose an animal to observe. You may want to revisit this site a couple of times during the day/week to see what your animal is doing.https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams If you don’t have access, you can think about an animal that you have observed previously (animals outside your house, birds, your pet, etc) Create a web that shows what your animal does/could be doing (brainstorm ideas for your story). Write the name of your animal in the middle of your page and write things that you know about it around the outside. Think about things you know, or observe, about your animal. What would it like to eat? What might it be doing? What might it think/feel? Your task is to write a fictional story about your animal called “Memoirs of a ________” Choose how you will complete this task -paper copy - write a story using paper, pencil crayons, markers, etc -document - write the story on the computer/tablet using a word document -iPad apps - if you already have access to BookCreator/PicCollage on the iPad you could use one of these apps for your story (only if you ALREADY have these apps though, please do not download specifically for this assignment) Your story should include: -a title page -Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5 -a detailed picture and words for each day -your animal should be doing something different each day | |
Memoirs of a Goldfish
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1M8L_KeLsyxwldf3x49W3TKncbJgXI wYp San Diego Zoo https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams |
Learning Intentions
-I can write a fictional story
-I can write sentences using sight words and kid print (sounding out words) |
-I can draw detailed pictures that match my words
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Optional Extensions
-start your own journal about “learning at home” time, you could include what you do each day, how you’re feeling each day, something funny that happened each day, one thing you’re grateful for each day or questions that you have
Task Three
Building English Language Arts andScience |
Animal Escape!
Your animal has escaped from the zoo! Your job is to design and build something that can safely capture the animal and get it back to the zoo. Ideas and Design: Things to think about when designing: -what animal did you observe on the Animal Cam at the San Diego Zoo. -what is its body size, shape and covering -is it a land, air or water animal -how does it travel -is it strong or dangerous -what might it like to eat, what place would it like to be, what might it like to do. Could any of these help you lure the animal to you so you can catch it? -think of many ideas and why some ideas might work and others might not Task: -draw a detailed picture of your idea -make a list of materials you need to build it. You may use recycling materials, lego, or other items found at home -build it!! It’s okay to modify your plan as you go if needed Write: -write a detailed explanation of how your creation works. This should be at least 4 sentences. Kiddos! Remember to focus on sounding out words and writing the sounds you hear adding capitals to start sentences and punctuation (.!?) to end. Reflection : have a conversation with an adult and explain: -how you made it -why you chose the materials you chose -why were these materials better than other options -what were some challenges you had during the building or designing stage -what is something you are proud of something you really like about it -if you could change or add something to make it better, what would it be |
My plan is detailed and labeled I used at least 4 different materials My creation is unique, creative and well thought out I can explain how it works I persevered during challenges | |
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Learning Intentions
I can construct models using a variety of materials and identify their purpose.
I can demonstrate inventiveness and perseverance I can explain the process of making my model |
If you have a toy animal at home, you can build something specifically for that animal and test your model to see if it works.
You could also build an enclosure for your animal |
Task Four
Math Lesson |
Three Act Math: “The Cookie Thieves”
Watch Act 1: Conversation What do you see? What do you notice? Watch Act 2: Conversation What do you see? What do you notice? How many cookies are left? What is your too high estimate? What is your too low estimate? (remember your estimate should be somewhere in between. Act 3: Conclusion How many cookies are left? How many cookies were taken? Explain how you came up with your answer and create a number sentence. I can make an estimation. I can use strategies such as tally marks, ten frames, a number line or visual representations to solve a problem. I can make a number sentence showing my answer. |
(please see examples for each strategy)
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Act 1.mov Act 2.MOV
Learning Intentions
Addition and subtraction Problem solving |
Make your own Three Act Math Problem
Check out gfletchy.com for more Three Act Math problems |
Task Five
Math Game |
Number of the Week: This week’s number is 8! (For more of a challenge, use 16 or 32)
Friday, April 3, 2020
Week 1: April 3-10 Learning Plan
Here is next weeks learning plan.
Hopefully you received my e-mail with the Google Classroom and Raz-Kids codes. If not please let me know.
Remember there is video tutorial guiding you how to get your child going with Google Classroom.
Your child can choose two tasks a week to share with me via Google Classroom. Please share only Via Classroom going forward.
Google Meet: We will be having a Google Meet next Thursday at 11:00 am. And Friday is Good Friday (time to relax!)
There is a few families that I have not yet reached over the phone, this is taking longer then I had anticipated and will be reaching out to you soon!
Thanks so much for your on-going support
Stacy McCaw
Hopefully you received my e-mail with the Google Classroom and Raz-Kids codes. If not please let me know.
Remember there is video tutorial guiding you how to get your child going with Google Classroom.
Your child can choose two tasks a week to share with me via Google Classroom. Please share only Via Classroom going forward.
Google Meet: We will be having a Google Meet next Thursday at 11:00 am. And Friday is Good Friday (time to relax!)
There is a few families that I have not yet reached over the phone, this is taking longer then I had anticipated and will be reaching out to you soon!
Thanks so much for your on-going support
Stacy McCaw
This Week In Grade One
April 6-9 2020
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Weekly Focus
Happiness- What makes us happy?
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Task One
English Language Arts
Story Response: In Search of Happiness
What made Alexander happy?
What makes you happy?
Draw and Write
What would be in your land of happiness?
Draw a picture or build a place that would make you happy. Label your land of happiness and write about the things there that make you happy.
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In Search of Happiness Book https://youtu.be/wfmxejeA_3U
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Learning Intentions
I can connect stories and characters to personal feelings and experiences.
I can listen to stories and retell important information.
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Optional Extensions
Do something that makes you happy- dance to your favourite song, paint a picture, hug your family, play a game.
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Task Two
English Language Arts
Writing task: Letter writing
Listen to the story, “Dear Mr. Blueberry”
While you are listening, look closely at the format of each letter.
What do you notice?
What does each letter include?
There are 4 parts that need to be included in a friendly letter. A greeting, body, closing and signature. Below is a sample letter:
Today your challenge is to write a letter to someone you love/care about. This can be someone who is currently at home with you, or someone who you haven’t been able to see lately. Your letter should include 4 important parts (greeting, body, closing, signature) as well as a detailed picture.
Some things to think about in your letter:
-why is this person special to you?
-what do you enjoy about them?
-how do they make you feel?
-what special memories do you have of time with them?
Choose how you will share this letter. You could:
-give it to the person if they are at home with you
-call/video chat with the person (with permission, of course) and share it with them
-hang onto the letter until you see them next
Remember: By sharing kindness with others, and filling their bucket, we get drops in our bucket too!
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Watch “Dear Mr. Blueberry” - link to story in Google classroom
-can also be accessed on YouTube “Dear Mr. Blueberry by Simon James” - PV storytime - caution, there may be a commercial before the story
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Learning Intentions
I can write and share my ideas with others
I can write about my experiences and important people
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Optional Extensions
-Write a letter to a “helper” in our community.
-Write a letter to a friend in our class
-Write a letter to someone asking questions like Emily did in the story
-Think of some other ways that you could spread kindness to your family this week. Make a list of some kind things that you could do for others.
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Task Three
English Language Arts
Science / Social Studies
Building Challenge:
Listen to the story The Magnificent Tree written by Nick Bland and Stephen Michael King.
What made Bonny and Pop happy in the story?
How did Bonny and Pop make the birds happy?
Challenge: Choose an animal that you like or are interested in learning more about. Design and build something that will bring that animal joy or happiness just like Bonny and Pop did for the birds in the story. Use materials around your home to build your idea (cardboard boxes, pipe cleaners, paper, straw, LEGO, blocks…)
1. Must have a blueprint with labels showing your idea and materials
2. Must be helpful to your animal
3. Must use three different building materials
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Learning Intentions
-I can respond to a story
-I can show my thinking through drawing, writing and building
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Optional Extensions
- Research your animal and record information about their diet, habitat, predators and winter activity (hibernate, migrate or adapt)
- Create a scientific sketch of your animals with labels and details
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Task Four
1. “All Out”
-deck of cards
-15 objects per player (coins, beans, paper clips etc)
Deck is in between players. Player 1 picks a card off the top. Player 2 picks the next card off the top. They find the difference between the 2 cards. Player who drew the lower card has to pay the other player the difference in coins (or whatever object you chose). The game ends when all cards are played or a player loses all his coins/objects.
Eg Player one gets a 5 Player two gets an 8. Player one has to pay because they have the lower card and pays 3 coins because the difference is 3. 8-5=3
Extension: Make your own cards with higher numbers.
2. Use stuffies or objects around your house to tell subtraction stories. Write a number sentence to go with your story. Tell and act out stories for the following number sentences or other sentences your parents feel are just right for you. 7-4 13-5 18-9 See the anchor chart for strategies to help solve.
Create multi step problems using addition and subtraction.
3. Subtraction Bowling
Set up 10 objects (plastic cups, toilet paper rolls, play characters).
Roll a ball and create a subtraction sentence.
10 - how many knocked down= how many are left.
Eg 10-4=6
Extension: use more pins
4. SPLAT! Choose picture 1, 2 or 3. The challenge gets more difficult so choose what is right for you. In the top corner it tells you how many circles total. Use the picture to figure out how many circles are hiding under the Splat. Draw one of the pictures you solved and explain your
strategy. Tip: If the splats are the same colour, it means they will all have the same amount of objects underneath.
Extension/Options: Cut out your own splat using paper and create your own problems with different numbers of objects.
Share with your teacher through video or a picture and written explanation.
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Visuals including a number line or hundreds chart as well as objects are important for students to be able to access during math activities.
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Learning Intentions
Math Task 1, 2 and 3
-I can create and solve subtraction problems using objects
-I can explain my strategies for addition and related subtraction facts to 18
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Optional Extensions
-make a 6x6 grid with numbers from 4 to 20 (you will use them more than once). Roll 2 dice and add. Cover two numbers on the grid that have the difference of the total on the dice. Eg. roll 6+3=9. You could cover 20 and 11 or 4 and 13. The game is over when a player can’t complete their turn because the numbers are covered.
Maple Ridge Tutorial on Google Classroom and Google Meet
Our amazing K teacher Mrs. H put together a short video tutorial on how to use Google Classroom and Google Meet. Thank you Mrs. H!
Razkids: I have singed all of the students in room 10 up for Razkids (on-line reading program). I will send you an e-mail with our Google Classroom code and your Childs Razkids username and password.
Good Friday- Good Friday is a statutory Holliday and I will not be available.
I hope everyone is doing well! 💜
Razkids: I have singed all of the students in room 10 up for Razkids (on-line reading program). I will send you an e-mail with our Google Classroom code and your Childs Razkids username and password.
Good Friday- Good Friday is a statutory Holliday and I will not be available.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Google Classroom and Google Meet Parent Letter
Inform | Google Meet and Google Classroom
Yesterday, our principal let you know that the Calgary Board of Education’s was activating Google Meet and Google Classroom to enable teachers and students to better connect with each other. This email outlines what to expect as we begin setting up times to connect with our students over the coming days.
Accessing Google Classroom for the First Time
Starting on Monday, April 6, we will be using Google Classroom as a learning platform as we continue ongoing learning from home. Below is a brief introduction to Google Classroom and how students at Maple Ridge School will be accessing the tool.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is an online platform that enables us to communicate with our students as well as assign and distribute tasks. Google Classroom gives us the ability work with our students in safe, manageable, and appropriate ways. It will also help students manage their work while learning from home.
Students will access Google Classroom using their CBE G Suite ID (username@educbe.ca). As we begin to use these new teaching and learning tools, we will work with our students and their families to help them understand both the benefits and risks of using online tools.
Accessing Google Meet for the First Time
Google Meet
Google Meet is a video conferencing application that enables us to host and our students to join organized ‘meetings’ in real-time. We can also record meetings and make the recording available to students to view at a later time. We are able to share their screen and guide students through tasks and/or documents and websites they wish to share.
Students will access Google Meet using their CBE Gmail address (username@educbe.ca). As we begin to use these teaching and learning tools, we will work with our students to help them understand both the benefits and risks in using online tools.
Accessing Google Classroom for the First Time
Starting on Monday, April 6, we will be using Google Classroom as a learning platform as we continue ongoing learning from home. Below is a brief introduction to Google Classroom and how students at Maple Ridge School will be accessing the tool.
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is an online platform that enables us to communicate with our students as well as assign and distribute tasks. Google Classroom gives us the ability work with our students in safe, manageable, and appropriate ways. It will also help students manage their work while learning from home.
Students will access Google Classroom using their CBE G Suite ID (username@educbe.ca). As we begin to use these new teaching and learning tools, we will work with our students and their families to help them understand both the benefits and risks of using online tools.
Accessing Google Meet for the First Time
Google Meet
Google Meet is a video conferencing application that enables us to host and our students to join organized ‘meetings’ in real-time. We can also record meetings and make the recording available to students to view at a later time. We are able to share their screen and guide students through tasks and/or documents and websites they wish to share.
Students will access Google Meet using their CBE Gmail address (username@educbe.ca). As we begin to use these teaching and learning tools, we will work with our students to help them understand both the benefits and risks in using online tools.
Inform | Google Meet and Google Classroom
First Google Meet Meeting:
We are planning to have our first Google Meet meeting on Thursday, April 9th at 11:00 am. I have sent you emails sharing your child’s CBE Gmail address and password. If you have misplaced this information or require it to be sent again, please let me know. Later next week your child will receive an invitation to our first Meet Meeting via their CBE Gmail address.
This first meeting will be a chance to connect through a video chat and reconnect after being away from the school and classroom.
If you are having difficulties accessing these resources, please contact me so that I can help you and your child connect.
Thank you for your support and patience as we all adjust to ongoing learning at a distance. We will keep you informed every step of the way.
Stacy McCaw sdmccaw@cbe.ab.ca
We are planning to have our first Google Meet meeting on Thursday, April 9th at 11:00 am. I have sent you emails sharing your child’s CBE Gmail address and password. If you have misplaced this information or require it to be sent again, please let me know. Later next week your child will receive an invitation to our first Meet Meeting via their CBE Gmail address.
This first meeting will be a chance to connect through a video chat and reconnect after being away from the school and classroom.
If you are having difficulties accessing these resources, please contact me so that I can help you and your child connect.
Thank you for your support and patience as we all adjust to ongoing learning at a distance. We will keep you informed every step of the way.
Stacy McCaw sdmccaw@cbe.ab.ca
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Welcome to Room 10!
The students of room 10 have had a very busy first couple of weeks of school. We have been working on settling into the rules and routines ...
Today I sent home a sheet with some questions telling me all about your child and your hopes and goals for this year. This is what we will b...
Our amazing K teacher Mrs. H put together a short video tutorial on how to use Google Classroom and Google Meet. Thank you Mrs. H! Razkids...
Remember tomorrow is our open house. Come meet me and check out our space. Oh, and don't forget to grab some yummy ice cream! 5:00-7:00 ...