Monday, October 28, 2019

Bone Bridges and Buddy Math

Today students in room 10 were given the Bone Bridge Challenge!
They had to create a bridge that would hold 1-2 toy animals without breaking. The constraints were that they were only allowed to us 30 Q-tips, 6 popsicle sticks and 2 pieces of tape as long as my arm. They had to collaborate with peers to complete this challenge. Check it out!

Race to 100 with Grade 3 Buddies
We taught our grade 3 buddies how to play Race to 100. We all had a 100's sheet, 2 dice and gems. The goal was to add up the two dice and move that many numbers. The first player to reach 100 is the winner!

Winter Weather
With the cold weather please make sure your child has a hat and mitts. It is also recommended that on really cold (wind) days they have snow pants as well. 

Friday Nov. 1st is a PD day. 

Today cookie dough order forms were sent home. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Letter Sounds

This week in room 10 we start each day working on blending and segmenting letter sounds.  The students are learning that each word is made of of sounds. They are starting to independently segment the sounds and put them together forming the word. We have learned that some words do not follow the rules, we call them "jail words". Today we discovered that the word "ball" is a jail word. We have also been practicing how to write a sentence.

Students in room 10 are very interested in inventions. We have been learning about the history of important inventions and where inventions come from. We discovered that inventions often come from nature. An example of this is velcro which was inspired from burs found in nature. Here is a list of some of the other ways inventions come about. 

We also learned that inventions can come from a problem that humans have to solve. The students brainstormed "kid problems" that they feel need to be solved. We then created photo types in our journals of our ideas. 

Fun Halloween Song!
Black and Blue
Full of goo!
What would you put in the witches stew?

-frog legs

We are still looking for volunteers to join us on the morning of Nov. 13 for our Central Library visit. E-mail if you can join us!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Scientific Jourraling

Room 10 has been practicing our scientific journaling skills by looking closely at objects and the world around us. We are looking at the colors, textures and shapes of the natural and man-made world. We have been talking about descriptive words such as bumpy, smooth, flat, spiky and textured. We have been practicing adding texture and dimension through stippling, hatching and shading. After spending the morning at Weaselhead flats and completing journal drawings of things we observed we added detail through colour and texture to our work. We then explored a variety of natural and manmade items within the classroom practicing our techniques and using our literacy skills to add labels to our work.

Thank you to Wesley for sharing his nature collection with the class today. We are looking forward to sketching your interesting treasures on Monday.

Today we had fun completing some spooky Halloween art! We used sharpy and water coolers to learn about  and create creepy silhouette pictures. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Weaselhead Flats

Room 9 and 10 spent a beautiful morning at Weaselhead Flats today. We extended our study of animals getting ready for winter from Hull's Wood to Weaselhead. We had many similar observations such as the Rosehip plants, burrows and nests. We tool along the iPads and practiced our photography techniques specifically zoom out and zoom in. For the first activity we did a hoop activity where we looked closed at everything we could see inside our hoop. We then sketched our observations. We had a nice walk down the hill to the bridge where we observed the swallow nests that are along the side of the bridge. It was such a beautiful morning and we are so grateful for the volunteers that were able to join us. We truly wouldn't be able to do it without you!

Friday, October 11, 2019

What are we thankful for?

Yesterday room 10 students shared what they were thankful for.

"I am thankful for nature"- Anna
"I am thankful for my baby Blue"- Graham
"I am thankful for my grandma because I am going to her house for dinner"- Wesley
"I am thankful for my family"- Spencer
"I am thankful for my dad because he is going to buy me a Bayblade"- Alex
"I am thankful for my stuffy Dino that my Auntie got me"- Audrey
"I am thankful for my family"- Aundrei
"I am thankful for my "Grandmare" and my mom and dad"- Talia
"I am thankful for my friend Tony"- Ibrahim
"I am thankful for my dad because he plays LEGO with me"- Seamus
"I am thankful for my LEGO and my home"- Matthew
"I am thankful for my family"-Bowen
"I am thankful for my grandpa because he is going to heaven soon"- Charlotte
"I am thankful for my house"- Zoe
"I am thankful for my family"- Taylor
"I am thankful for pumpkin pie!" Kostantinos
"I am thankful for my big sister and my little sister"- Sophia
"I am thankful for my Abuela"-Manuel
"I am thankful for my great family and for Slush"- Henry

Wind Mobile Challenge
Room 10 was given the challenge to create a structure that moves with one puff of air. The only materials they were given were four Lifesavers, three straws, two paper clips, one piece of paper and tape. The students were asked to first complete a blue print of their structure. Check out what they created!

Lava Lap Experiment

Students enjoyed exploring the scientific process today through water beads, water and Alka Seltzer. Ask them what happened! 

*****Weaselhead Volunteers Needed******
Please e-mail if you can join us on Wednesday. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Hull's Wood

This morning rooms 9 and 10 spent a beautiful morning exploring Hull's Wood in Fish Creek Park. We were looking for signs of animals getting ready for winter. We noticed many things such as Rosehips, nests (one group found a Osprey nest!), wild life such as birds and deer, many different trees and the changing creek. We learned that Fish Creek Park is "Rewilding" parts of the creek. This means that they have blocked off sections of the water bank in hopes that the vegetation will re-grow in those areas. Human foot traffic has damaged the ground in those section so much that the land is starting to slide and become damages, chasing the shape of the creek. We saw some signs of animals getting ready for winter such as a burrow and even a bat hanging from the shelter. Thank you to the volunteers who joined us today!

Welcome to Room 10!

 The students of room 10 have had a very busy first couple of weeks of school. We have been working on settling into the rules and routines ...