Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First Day in Room 10!

We had a fun and exciting first day in room 10! We starting the day with engaging in some different exploration centres such as small building, painting, scientific sketching, collage and wire, stick and clay art. We then read out morning message and story followed by snack and recess. After recess Mrs. McCaw challenged us to explore with straws, water and soap. We created really cool bubbles. We looked at natural occurring bubbles and brainstormed where we have seen bubbles. One of our friends taught us that Surfing Snails create bubbles to help them float! Some things we know about bubbles are: water makes bubbles, force of water or air can make bubbles, animals make bubbles, and air make bubbles. Some of our theories about how bubbles are formed were "the air is grabbing the soap", "the air is pulling the soap up", "the air is rolling the soap". We learned that bubbles are made of many layers air and water/soap mixture, water particles are attacked to each other but when you add soap it makes spaces between the particles, all bubbles are a round shape even if you use a different shaped wand because the water particles are a "little" attracted to each other. In the afternoon we read a story and drew how we were feeling in our journals. Then we had some explore time. It was a super busy but fun day!

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Welcome to Room 10!

 The students of room 10 have had a very busy first couple of weeks of school. We have been working on settling into the rules and routines ...